Towards NetZero Ireland Awards 2023 now open for submissions


The appetite and enthusiasm for the Towards NetZero Awards were very much in evidence late last year where approximately 100 industry leaders and net zero champions gathered to celebrate the achievements of the various awards winners for the inaugural event. In doing so they also set the benchmark for the 2023 awards which include additional categories to accommodate the more diverse submissions now anticipated.

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2023 awards and all you have to do for the moment is express your interest in submitting a project, or your practice, under the appropriate category, which you will find at
Achieving Net Zero buildings is a daunting objective but one in which architects, consulting engineers, mechanical and electrical contractors and building contractors are already showing admirable leadership. The Towards NetZero Awards are designed to recognise their achievements to date, and to encourage others in their efforts to do likewise.

Submissions are open to all construction disciplines and professions, while clients can also make a submission in conjunction with their building design team. A distinguished and experienced panel of judges will assess all entries submitted via the online process with shortlisted finalists being invited to a gala presentation ceremony.
To facilitate the expected increase in entries for 2023 – and the additional number of awards’ recipients – the presentation ceremony will now take place on Friday, 10 November 2023, in the prestigious venue of the Concert Hall in the RDS.